They say with their innocent heart " If you donate little food, it serves me for one day. If you help me in my education, it serves me for lifetime."

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Drawing Festival

Hey frnz...on 24th march 2010 ( Sri Rama Navami), we successfully conducted drawing competition to the kids..We divided them into 3 categories. LKG & UKG fall under 1st category, 1st to 5th under 2nd category, 6th to 10th under 3rd category..We were able to give them 6 prizes ( 2 for each category )..

1st category : 1st prize - Piano ;  2nd prize - Xylophone
2nd category : 1st prize - Mad Art Drawing Kit ;  2nd prize - Clay Modelling Kit
3rd Category : 1st prize - School Bag ; 2nd prize - Shuttle Bats & Cork
and temptations as a complimentary gift for a boy named Mahesh, who had an excellent talent in drawing.

We provided children with A4 drawing sheets, crayons for 1st category and sketches for 2nd category...
Children proved themselves with a very good art and effective thinking...Here are some of the photographs of the event..

Started their drawing after a long wait...


Children's inspiration..

Our Valuation department.. 

Prize Distribution...